NFV URN Namespace

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Revision as of 13:24, 17 May 2021 by Worndle (talk | contribs) (Added link to updated template as per decision in TSC#212)


ETSI ISG NFV is maintaining a namespace registry as a sub tree of the ETSI root urn:etsi namespace. A description of the top level ETSI URN namespace can be found on the ETSI webpage [1].

The NFV URN namespace has the following structure:

urn:etsi:nfv:<NFV sub-tree>

The following sections describe the basic structure of the sub-tree and how a entry in the registry can be requested.

NFV sub-tree

NFV sub-tree Full Namespace Description
Namespace for public LCM coordination action names defined in ETSI NFV specifications, including ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 v3.5.1 and later.
The namespace for YANG modules specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 006, available for download as ETSI GS NFV-SOL 006 and as a YANG specification in etsi-nfv-descriptors.yang.
Namespace for the YANG module that is used to model a single VNFD, according to the YANG specification available in etsi-nfv-vnfd.yang file and specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 006.
Namespace for the YANG module that is used to model a single NSD, according to the YANG specification available in etsi-nfv-nsd.yang file and specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 006.
Namespace for the YANG module that is used to model a single PNFD, according to the YANG specification available in etsi-nfv-pnfd.yang file and specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 006.
webfinger urn:etsi:nfv:webfinger This node is a namespace for webfinger services.

Related specification ETSI GS NFV-SEC 022

webfinger:rel urn:etsi:nfv:webfinger:rel This node is a namespace for "rel" value of the webfinger services used for the dynamic discovery of servers.

Related specification ETSI GS NFV-SEC 022

webfinger:rel:api-oauth-server urn:etsi:nfv:webfinger:rel:api-oauth-server Value of Webfinger service for the discovery of authorization server identifier for API access control using OAuth2.0.

Related specification ETSI GS NFV-SEC 022

Requesting an entry (for ETSI technical groups only)

A new NFV sub-tree can only be requested by an ETSI technical group (i.e., Technical Bodies, Industry Specification Groups, Open Source Groups and Special Communities), and their working groups (if applicable).

To request a sub-tree please follow the guidelines below.

  • Pre-condition: a work item running in the ETSI technical group has identified the need to enable a URN namespace. A contact person to formalize the request has been identified (e.g., a technical group official such as a WG Chair, the work item rapporteur).
  • Step #1: Download the "URN namespace application template" in contribution NFVTSC(19)000003
  • Step #2: Fill in the template and submit it as a contribution under the "NFV TSC" workspace of the ETSI Portal.
  • Step #3: The ETSI NFV TSC will review the application.
    • If the application is accepted, a new entry in the "NFV URN Namespace" will be enabled.
    • If the application cannot be accepted, it will be communicated to the contact person together with any additional information to be considered for resolving the "non-acceptance".