Automated Network Orchestration
PoC Team
Deutsche Telekom
x-ion GmbH
Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories
Main Contact
Christoph Meyer, Ericsson
PoC Demo
Telekom T-Labs OpenStack Reference Lab, Berlin, Germany
This PoC proves that infrastructure and SW deployment can be unbundled. All critical resources of the categories compute, store and connectivity are orchestrated and exposed in a virtualized way to the Telco service ensuring both an efficient resource utilization and reduced complexity. The orchestration function is model driven to ease and automate the establishment of the necessary networks, and one of the central software components is OpenStack, open source software for cloud computing. An SDN controller is used to define network connectivity. The usage of those technologies lead to the novelty that multi-tenancy instantiations can be automatically deployed and low level network addressing within the same data center can be reused.
PoC Proposal