Virtual EPC with SDN Function in Mobile Backhaul Networks

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PoC Team

Telecom Italia

Nokia Networks



Aalto University

Main Contact

Elena Demaria, Telecom Italia

PoC Demo

CELTIC Plus events, 1st March 2015


This PoC presents a disruptive integration of NFVs with SDN to deploy a virtualized EPC that still maintains the functionality of the core network elements (i.e. MME and HSS), thus providing backwards compatibility. However, the usage of SDN in the mobile backhaul and core network allows to streamline elements such as PCRF and the control part of the S/P-GW which are entirely virtualized and integrated as a simple cloud service.

This PoC also verifies the flexibility of using SDN in the mobile backhaul which enables the mobile operators to choose the granularity for the QoS provisioning to mobile users with optimized usage of resources. The proposed integration of SDN not only enables to streamline the transport network and reduce the required network elements (e.g. S/P-GW) but it also ensures maintaining the complete EPC functionality on mobility and QoS provisioned by L2 or L3 transport network without mobile specific transport or tunnelling

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