HT04 - Lawful Interception

From NFVwiki


Many regulatory authorities require operators to provide Lawful Interception capabilities. This Hot Topic aims to drive:

  • Understanding the impact of virtualisation on the regulatory requirements of Lawful Interception
  • Exploration of architectures and designs to allow Lawful Interception capabilities to be provided in NFV deployments
  • Proofs of Concept(s) to show Lawful Interception capabilities in conjunction with NFV

HT#4 (SEC) Lawful Interception

Specifically in terms of the key issues for LI, we would like you to try to address the problem of providing a secure platform to host sensitive workloads. It is fundamental to the success of NFV that industry is able to offer viable solutions to these challenges.

NFV-critical functionality (for example LI) is dependent on both:

  1. Administrative isolation: creating two layers of administration functionality for a given workload+host combination, where no leakage of information from one layer to the other is possible.
  2. Secured execution: delivering confidentiality and integrity of instructions and data within an area of process space based on a hardware root-of-trust.



What is expected to be learnt from the NFV PoCs

Points to prove/refute

  • How does virtualisation impact the requirements for Lawful Interception?
  • What impacts are there on NFV deployments in terms of:
    • Performance
    • Management
    • Security
  • What other impacts may exist?

Criterion of success

  • Presentation of architectures to provide Lawful Interception capabilities that are acceptable to Law Enforcement Agencies and deployable by operators

Technical information to be provided by the PoC Team

  • Description of how requirements in SEC009 are met
  • Overall architecture and use case descriptions
  • Specifics on the issues faced
  • Specifics on the solutions provided
  • Specifics on the lessons learnt

PoC Teams shall follow the HT#4 Feedback Template on their contributions to Hot Topic#4

Concerned WGs/WI

SEC WG: SEC004 - Lawful Interception Implications - Latest draft

SEC009 - Use cases and technical approaches for multi-layer host administration - Latest draft


SEC WG co-chair: Mike Bursell (Intel)

Contributions (feedback) deadline

Q2 2016